The best way to get lucky using numbers

 Numerology also known as the lucky numbers are the best way to get lucky by numbers. Numerology is a mystical relationship between numbers and coincidences. People have believed in numerology since the 10th century and the chaldean’s numerology chart is the most famous numerology chart. This chart includes 8 numbers excluding number 9 and 0. Each number has its own letter. Chaldean believes that the number 9 has divine powers so it was not added in the chart. 

You can find your lucky number’s or fate numbers with the help of a numerology calculator. You can calculate the numbers in your name or you can calculate the date of birth and the sum of the numbers is your lucky numbers. Lucky numbers are always the one digit number. There are 2 kinds of numerology calculators. The 1st one is the Pythagorean calculator and the 2nd one is chaldean’s calculator, but people believe in chaldeans calculator more than the Pythagorean calculator. 

Name numerology calculator is specially made to calculate the numbers in your name. This calculates the number of the letters of your name and comes with a single digit number deciding your lucky number. That single digit number can help you the whole life and can be your lucky number the whole life because it came from your legal name and legal name never changes. Even if we change our name after we get old. The number will still be the same. 

Adding your date of birth and adding it till you find a single digit number is called numerology by date of birth. Where you use your date of birth to get your ruling number/lucky number. In this numerology case, pythagoras numerology chart may help more than the chaldeans chart because there can be many number9 in the date of birth. And there is no number9 in the chaldeans numerology. 

There are many people who can use chaldeans numerology very well but no one of them is even close compared to cheiro. Cheiro is the best numerologist and he ruled his own era. Cheiro was born in the 19th century and he took numerology to the next level with his talent. Cheiro numerology is the best numerology according to the fans of cheiro but it is true. No one is even close to cheiro in the case of numerology. 

2 number numerology borns are very sensitive, careful, loyal, romantic, lovable. They take care of everyone without even any command or anything. They are made for leadership and to guide their team to the right path. 1 number borns are almost similar to number 2 born but 2 are better than number1 borns in some cases. Like number 2 is more romantic. They are way more affectionate than number 1 numerology borns. 


To end this discussion, I would like to introduce you the best website that provides free numerology services accurately. On our website, you can check your ruling number and lucky number by yourself. We can use both of the numerology methods, but we will use the method whichever you choose. Visit our website and get a numerology compatibility calculator service for free of cost. We don’t only provide numerology services but we also provide many kinds of services like kundli matching, tarot card reading, palmistry etc. Visit our website


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