Numerology and its accurate predictions

 The sum of a number that is made for luck, fortune, wealth, health is called numerology. It uses mystical energies to find your lucky number and your luck will help you achieve your most wanted job or help you in study. Numerology can be done in 2 ways. Either you provide your date of birth or you provide your name and the astrologer will calculate the numbers in your name until he gets a single digit number. 

You can get your lucky number or path number by calculating any of these both name and date of birth. You can calculate them online too. You just need to provide either date of birth or name to the website and it will get your path number using a numerology calculator. There is nothing special in numerology calculators but you can get path numbers very easily in this calculator. Suppose your date of birth is 22.06.2000. Then you must add 22 first, which means 2+2=4. Then you add 0+6=6 and then 2+0+0+0 which means 2. At the end you add all the numbers like 4+6+2 which is 12. Then you have to make it a single digit number so you add this number too like 1+2= then your lucky number is 3.

Cheiro numerology calculator is called the best numerology calculator in the world. He was born in the 19th century but showed his numerology accurate predictions in the 20th century. Cheiro had many accurate predictions in the 20th century that’s why he was famous for numerology. He used to use chaldean’s numerology chart for numerology. Cheiro was the best user of chaldean’s numerology chart and got so much respect for his predictions that became true in the future. 

There are basically 2 kinds of numerology charts. First one is pythagoras numerology chart and the 2nd one is chaldean’s numerology chart the chaldean’s numerology chart was more accurate than the pythagorean chart because there are so many true predictions done by the chaldean’s numerology chart users. It has only 8 numbers in the chart because chaldean believed that the number 9 is holy so he kept it away from the other numbers. 

If you have read all the written above and are still wondering how to calculate numerology then don’t worry,  I am here to guide you. First open google chrome and search “numerology calculator” on the search bar and search it. After you get many results, always try finding free websites for it. For ease in finding the free websites, you can search “free numerology chart” instead and get only free websites as a result. Then click on one of those free websites and put your information in and do it in 2-3 websites to check if they are accurate or not. If the results are the same, then the results are accurate. 


To get free and accurate results for any astrology and puja related, you can visit our website. On our website you can get a numerology compatibility service too. We don’t only provide free numerology service but we also provide astrology, kundli matching, tarot card reading, vastu services, palmistry services, puja services, jagran services, pandit services and free problem consultations. Visit our website and get the opportunity to get these services for free of cost.


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